She always was willing to be the silly one, but more than anything she was Craig's cat. His lap was rarely empty when he was sitting either on the couch or at his computer. She would fall asleep at night in the crook of his arm, either giving herself a good wash or washing Craig's arm.
The minute Craig took off his shirt she would be rolling around in it, we never could figure out if it was to get her scent on him or his on her.
Reeses you were such a wonderful part of our lives for 10 years. We cherish the memories you gave to us and I know we will meet again. if I see a ghost cat with wings I know it will be you.
Peanut will miss you so much but I promise we will taker very good care of her until she goes to meet with you again.
We love you and we will miss you every minute of day for the rest of our lives.