Saturday, April 26, 2008

Anzac Weekend

With all the rain we have been having the Black Camp Creek has certainly grown. From a trickle to this rushing torrent of water.

Here it is a little further up the field. It could wash away a cow trying to cross it.
Inspite of all that it didn't burst its banks at our little bridge (thank heavens).

Here is the bridge along the Bagnoo Road, under a meter of rushing water. Luckily there is more than one way of getting to our property from this road.
That light brown streak is the "creek".
Same again.

A heron tip-toeing through the wet field.

1 comment:

Tim Noble said...

Wow! Amazing. I just bought 14 acres of woodland in the UK...but it's nothing like this?!

I came over to Australia for Christmas and New Year - it's awesome.
