A view of one of our paddocks with the horses and donkey as specks in the picture.

One of our many ponds, this one with our ducks and geese. The big white one is Spot (he has a black spot on his head) and Speckles (she has many spots all over) We started out with many geese including Chinese Browns but as the years went by they brats flew away, the ducks know who butters their bread. They stay for the easy pickings since we put 10 kg of seed out there every weekend for them.

Isn't this a lovely picture of a Rainbow Lorikeet? The colours stand out so beautifully against the leaves.

And off he goes! Isn't it amazing what a good camera and a lot of patience can do?

And another pops up his head.

Some of the roses we have around the pond at the back of the house.

My favourite picture here.

Lovely colour as they open up.

Our banana trees....but a plantation we are not.

Some white Azalias at the back or the house.

And finally a view of some threatening clouds coming in.....well actually they were there all weekend and boy did it rain! Eveyone especially the frogs were happy about that.
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